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About Indoor Soccer

Northern lights indoor soccer League

Tired of the snow and the cold? Looking to improve your soccer skills? Join the area's oldest organized indoor soccer league. The Northern Lights Indoor Soccer League is an indoor futsal league, meaning games are played with a smaller, weighted ball on basketball courts with no goalies. This is GREAT for developing player foot skills and passing in tight areas. This league is open to all northwoods residents and has divisions for all ages. All games are played at the Northland Pines Fieldhouse, which is one of the largest in Northern Wisconsin. Participants are guaranteed 2 games every other week (total of 10 games on 5 league days) or 1 game per week (adult league only). Schedules will be sent out prior to January 5th. View the form below for additional information on the league.

K - 2nd Grade*
3rd - 4th Grade*
5th - 6th Grade
7th - 8th Grade
High School & Adult Division

*Lower divisions are structured training times where coach will help the kids with skills and run small sided games. All other divisions are games with 20 minute halves and a 5 minute halftime.

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The deadline for registration is January 1st. The league fee for Adult teams is $100 and the fee for youth teams is $60. K - 4th grade players sign up individually at a fee of $10 per player. For all divisions, individual players are always welcome and will have assistance finding teams. Entries are taken on a first come, first serve basis so be sure to sign up early! Click link the link below for additional info and the registration sheet.

Contact us at for more details on how to sign up as this varies from our typical registration software.

Email HYSA to Sign Up

Additional Information