Youth Soccer

We are HYSA

Headwaters Youth Soccer Association (HYSA) is a community program and volunteer-run non-profit organization in the Northwoods, serving kids in the surrounding towns of Eagle River, Phelps, Land O' Lakes, Conover, St. Germain, Sayner, Three Lakes, Sugar Camp and Iron River. HYSA holds a relationship with Wisconsin Youth Soccer Association (WYSA), which is the state soccer program.


At Headwaters Youth Soccer Association (HYSA), we are dedicated to offering different soccer programs for kids in our community. Our programs help kids learn new skills, work together as a team, and enjoy the game of soccer. Programs range in age groups from kindergarten through high school and even offering some programs for adults! HYSA offers programs featuring various levels of competition and run throughout the fall, winter and springs seasons. Click on a program to to learn more.

Fall Recreational

Spring Competitive

Fun With Soccer

Indoor Soccer

Get Started


Click the button below to be taken to the registration page for Spring Soccer, Eagle River Fall Soccer and Fun With Soccer. For Fall Soccer for other towns, please contact your town board member located on the HYSA Rec Board page. Indoor soccer registration information is located on the Indoor Soccer page. To register, log in to your Playmetrics account. Don’t have one? You can create an account on the sign-in page.


Club Resources