Fall Soccer Registration
Registration for Eagle River's Fall Recreational Soccer League is open now through June 15th! A few notes about the season:
- ATTIRE: Plan on bringing water bottles, shin guards, cleats and comfortable clothes to practice. Jerseys will be provided prior to the first game day. All teams will wear black shorts and royal blue socks for game days.
- PRACTICE: Soccer practice usually begins the first week of August. Practice schedule will be based on coaches schedule but is typically 2 days per week at Oldenburg Sports Park on Highway G. Your player's volunteer team staff will contact parents mid-July regarding practice schedules. Please check email frequently as this is the preferred method of contact.
- GAMES: Games will be on the Saturday mornings at Oldenburg Sports Park. More details on the game schedule will be communicated to families via TeamNet and your player's team staff after practices begin. Please check email frequently.
- FEES: Your player registration fees cover registration and insurance costs with WYSA, cost of season use jersey, game equipment and field maintenance and upkeep. Player families are responsible for cleats, player socks, shorts and shin guards. We have cleats available to use if needed on a first come, first serve basis.
- If you paid by check, be sure to mail you payment promptly to: HYSA United, PO Box 326, Eagle River, WI 54521
- COMMUNICATION: Please make sure you allow email messages from "mailer@demosphere.com" as well as "hysaunited@gmail.com" in your email account so that you do not miss important information for your player. Also consider using the TeamNet App to receive important info, such as cancellations, field location changes, etc. (Please note that our provider disabled text notification services as of January 1, 2020.)
- COVID-19 UPDATE: As directed by WYSA, we will be following US Soccer's "Play On" Guidelines. Watch this video to learn more about the phases of play.
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions by emailing us at hysaunited@gmail.com.